1. Reviewed Work:The USSR and Iraqby Oles M. Smolansky, Bettie M. Smolansky
Author: Oles M. Smolansky and Bettie M. Smolansky
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

2. Reviewed Works: Culture, History and Ideology in the Formation of Ba'thist Iraq, 1968-89 by Amatzia Baram; The Monument: Art, Vulgarity and Responsibility in Iraq by Samir al-Khalil; The Iraqi Revolution of 1958. The Old Social Classes Revisited by Robert
Author: Amatzia Baram and Samir al-Khalil and Robert A. Fernea and Wm. Roger Louis and Oles M. Smolansky and Bettie M. Smolansky and Eberhard Kienle
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)